Even More Funky Chinese Ping-Pong!

Well I thought this was kinda nifty anyway...in a weird sorta way...

A Vampire blogger named Chet who writes about Vampires, Pop Culture Horror Films and whatever the heck he feels like!

(Like NOTHING ELSE I do in this blog is weird right? ;) )

Anyway, check this out...

Can Someone PLEASE explain to me what is the deal with the Chinese and their ping-pong?? Egaaaad!!

But, it's cool anyway!


a cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general


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