Happy Lotto Video Hijinks!

So yeah it's Moooondaaaaay

(Yawn yeah, but suck it up!! :P

Hey, feel like playing the lottery?
A Vampire Blogger named Chet who writes about monster movies, pop culture, his life as a Vampire, and whatever else crap he feels like!!

Or at least WATCHING some dude play the lottery?

Too bad, you're going to anyway :P

But seriously, check out this funny commercial for the New Zealand lottery.

Gotta love them Kiwis, they always have a good sense of humor...

Oh and their women put out...what did I say that A LOUD? LOL :)


a cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general


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