Karate-cizing That Bad Mood Of Yours

For Tuesday, I have a nice heaping country-fried helping of...

A Vampire Blogger named Chet who writes about monster movies, pop culture, his life as a Vampire, and whatever else crap he feels like!!

...And a clip you're either going to find truly offensive, or totally AWESOME in its potential to piss off annoying PC Pencil...uhhh...Phalluses! ;)

I give you a couple of goofy foreign dudes pretending to be Asian guys kicking ass at Ka-RA-taaay...

(or Karate ;) )


Uploaded by rokko. - Click for more funny videos.

He skips off to catch flies (and your GF's bra) in Chopsticks,


a cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general


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