The Devil's Hand Jive

So it's another Bunghole dragging Monday...

Bored outta your mind? SHIAAAT! Me too!!

So why not try something fun and exciting like...

A Vampire blogger named Chet who writes about Vampires, Pop Culture Horror Films and whatever the heck he feels like!

And Learning how to do the most TOTALLY WHITE DORKY DANCE IN ALL THE WORLD...

Or A.K.A. The Hand Jive!!

*Handjiving the Boss until I break down the Defences of his mind and get EXACTLY what I want*

(Which Happen to be more donuts-and-Goat's-Blood Breaks, but who's counting? ;) :D )


a cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general


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