Razorblade Smile Reviews: 30 Days Of Night

For tonight's...

a cheeky vampire Texan blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general

Let's have ourselves a BITE ;) of a "recent classic of sorts...

a cheeky vampire Texan blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general

30 Days Of Night


Director-- David Slade
Writer--- Steve Niles
Stuart Beattie


Josh Hartnett
Melissa George
Ben Foster
Danny Huston

Year: 2007

Company: Ghost House Pictures

The Basic Scoop, The Poop, The Lowdown: In the small town of Barrow, Alaska the town Sheriff Eben Olesson (Hartnett) picks up a mysterious drifter (Foster) for minor crimes in his town. While in jail, the drifter cryptically warns Eben of a coming posse of killers. But this is no ordinary mad ravings of a drunken lunatic, nor are the group to come just a gang of western style criminals...it's a coven of Vampires looking to take full advantage of one of Barrow's unique traits, because of its far northern location, it shuts down in a month long night of darkness...and the Vampires blood orgy of violence is about to begin!

a cheeky vampire Texan blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general

What's Pretty Good: Not surprisingly, this is based on a comic book series (most Vampire movies nowadays have the funky stench of a "Graphic Novelist" in there somewhere! ;) ) and it stays fairly true to its original source material. There is a great overall sense of a building of suspense and dread as both the characters on screen and the audience anticipate the arrival of the Vampies. I'd imagine there's enough of a "frosty" mood here to really make you "Normie" viewers feel cold as heck through every snowy dark-skied scene as things go from bad to worse in the story.(I wouldn't know too much about the balls-numbing cold 'cuz DUUUR I'm a Vampire....yeah. :P )

Oh yeah, and it should also be noticed that a lot of us Vampies really do live in colder climates, so Alaska's a nice touch!

a cheeky vampire Texan blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general

The Vampire killers are pretty well portrayed as far as our...err...I mean THEIR abilities are concerned. There's enough "Goreno" stuff in this film to serve as "red meat" for the modern Vampire flick fanster. OOOOODLES of long nails-human throat slashing, neck bites and breaking quick cut scenes and bears....oh my!

Don't worry, the body count's high enough for you!! (Err I think... lol :) )

And I'd say there's MOSTLY enough sub-plotage here for the audience to care about the Daywalker characters....at least a little.

What Kinda Sorta Really, Really Sucks: To disclose upfront I'm not a huge Josh Hartnett fan, soooo...I'm a bit biased! :P Yeah, he comes off his usual wooden Joshy self in this, so while I've gotta deduct points for it, it's not really a ginormous one. (But mine is ladies, I promise! :) ) Not to mention he's playing a "peace officer" so I suppose you could say it goes with the character.

No...my largest bone to pick with this flick is the way the OVG's (Old Vampire Gangstas! ) are portrayed. How many FREAKIN' times must I say it...we DON'T NEED HUMAN BLOOD EXCLUSIVELY TO SURVIVE!! Oh and WE DON'T SEEK TO KILL OTHER PEOPLE!!

There, now I'm virtually hoarse!

Why are the Vampires always so wooden and one-dimensional in these films? For crissakes we live for hundreds of years man! We're kinda smart. Do you REALLY think all we know how to do is run around in blood-soaked rags in the cold, grunt like packs of dogs or cavemen and bounce around from rooftop to rooftop hunting you people??

a cheeky vampire Texan blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general

NOT that we couldn't...but we do have the same sized brain as you guys... some of us know martial arts and like some of us even know how to use guns and stuff!! I think a movie portraying us Vampies AT LEAST as blood thirsty killers...WHO CAN THINK as well as kick ass might be more interesting....but maybe that's just me?

Oh yeah, and one more thing I should mention, I believe the original plot from the comic book was a little more complex and nuanced. While I understand why the filmmakers might've cut down on that stuff to save on running time, I think the film version would have been better served if some of that complexity came into play.

a cheeky vampire Texan blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general

Overall Film Grade: B +

A solid, commercial Vampire flick...a "mainstream Halloween horror" movie...but nothing extraordinary IMO. If you pop it in and like Vampire action films already you certainly won't be wasting your time...you'll be truly enrtained no doubt...but there's nothing really earth-shatteringly new or original to me in this movie either.

Feel free to giveth me your take on this film as well, oh ye mere Daywalker Humans heehee!


a cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general


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