What If Movies Were Real?

Following in the funny footsteps of many videos past...

A Vampire Blogger named Chet who writes about monster movies, pop culture, his life as a Vampire, and whatever else crap he feels like!!

...The dudes over at Smosh have whipped up another mucho hilarious video extravaganza (notice there aren't three X's in that! :P ) for your ocular funnybone's enjoyment. They ask again....What if movies were real??

Still waiting onHoward The Duck to materialize in el mundo de real! lol :)

-- Chet

a cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in generala cheeky vampire blogger named Chet who writes about pop culture, monster/horror/B-movies and other crap in general


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